경제 뉴스

Growth at 1.6% Forecasted for Next Year..Retail Market Trapped by Soaring prices

인생은 두방이지 2023. 11. 29. 20:40


Amidst the economic landscape characterized by soaring inflation and elevated interest rates, South Korea's retail market finds itself in a state of contraction, prompting the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry to temper its expectations for the economy's growth in the coming year. Revealed during the '2024 Retail Industry Outlook Seminar,' the forecast paints a conservative picture, projecting a mere 1.6% growth.

This outlook is rooted in a comprehensive survey conducted by the chamber, encompassing insights from 250 retail and distribution companies. The findings indicate a discernible downtrend in the growth trajectory of the consumer market since the year 2021. The adverse impact of surging prices and interest rates is palpable, manifesting in a tangible and widespread market slowdown.

One of the conspicuous outcomes of these economic challenges is the emergence of a palpable downturn in consumer sentiment. The phenomenon of "jjansobi," or frugal spending, has gained prominence, reflecting a notable shift in consumer behavior. This trend, marked by a reluctance to indulge in discretionary spending, has become a defining characteristic of the current economic milieu.

Notwithstanding the overarching market gloom, there exists a silver lining in the form of the e-commerce sector. Both domestically and internationally, e-commerce is positioned as a beacon of optimism, poised for sustained growth even in the face of broader retail challenges. This resilience is noteworthy, considering the prevailing economic headwinds.

In addition to e-commerce, the convenience store industry is weathering the storm, showcasing a commendable ability to navigate the complexities of the economic downturn. Despite the overarching challenges, these sectors stand out as beacons of growth and stability within an otherwise turbulent economic landscape.

To encapsulate, South Korea's retail sector grapples with the confluence of factors, primarily driven by the ripple effects of inflation and high interest rates. The subdued growth forecast for the economy reflects the pervasive impact of these challenges. However, the divergent trajectories of e-commerce and convenience store segments inject nuance into the narrative, highlighting pockets of resilience within the broader economic uncertainties.
